Affordable tips for saving electricity at home

What’s the best way to save the planet and our wallets at the same time? Reducing our electricity usage, of course. While many of us want to reduce our electricity usage, we don’t want to spend extra money on expensive, high-maintenance energy alternatives. Energy-efficient products aren’t always the cheapest, especially in a day and age where they’re still gaining popularity and not quite “the norm.”

Panda7 has your back. Here are some of our top (affordable) tips for saving electricity costs at home. Read on to see how you can make small changes which add up to big savings on your bills each month.

Always turn off lights when you leave a room.

If you’re not in the habit of turning off the lights when you leave a room, it’s time to put in the work. Having just two 100-watt incandescent bulbs turned off for an additional two hours a day may trim off a little on your yearly electricity costs. It’s not a lot, but it’s an easy thing to do. Or, even better, considering switching to LED bulbs.

Donate or recycle your old television.

It’s commonplace in these modern times to keep a television running in the background while we go about our day-to-day work but having an old TV on for even an hour a day can cost you up to an additional $10/year. Again, it’s a small thing, but those small things can add up significantly. Consider recycling the old TV or give it to someone who needs it.

Sell or recycle your desktop computer.

Did you know that using a laptop for two hours a day versus a desktop computer that may be left idling for hours at a time can save you between $5-$10/year? A laptop is less expensive to maintain, portable, and just as handy as a desktop.

Manage your refrigeration habits.

If you notice your refrigerator might be leaking, try to repair its seal or check to see if the door is closing properly. You’ll want to maintain air-tight, clean doors in order to ensure the cold air can be kept in and the warm air can be kept out.

Ditch the mini fridge.

If you already have a larger fridge, you may want to consider unplugging or even selling your mini fridge to save well over $50/year on refrigerator costs. If you need the additional space, it’s better to upsize your existing fridge or invest in a freezer than have the added fridge.

Opt for a microwave, toaster oven, or crock pot over the oven.

While it might not be possible for big dinners or meals where you have family attending, note that a microwave, toaster oven, or crockpot can do the work of an oven in less than half the time. Swapping out your oven for a lower energy, more time efficient alternative even just four times a week can save you up to $15/year,

Only dry full loads of laundry.

A dryer that’s about three-quarters full will run most efficiently, versus when you run your dryer several times a week. Fewer loads translates to less energy usage, and your dryer will run better in the long haul.

Opt to wash your laundry in cold water versus hot.

Did you know that if you switch from hot to cold water for roughly three loads of laundry per week, you may be able to save between $20-$25/year on your overall energy bill? Ensure that when you do run your washer that it’s a full load. Cutting even one load a week can save you up to $20/year.

Optimize for natural lighting.

Did you know that just one south-facing window can illuminate up to 100 times its area? Turn off that lightbulb and use natural lighting instead to save an additional $10/year on energy costs.

Try to use task lighting rather than ceiling lights.

If you’re working, drawing, or even reading in a work space or a kitchen, use table lamps and track lighting (or under-counter lights) as opposed to ceiling lights. This may only save you around $5-$10/year, but it’ll be worth it overtime.

Unplug all your unused electronics.

Having standby power may make up around 10% of your household’s electricity usage. Cut that down by unplugging all unused electronics. This may save you up to $50/year on your electricity bills.

Inform your family members.

Don’t live alone? Your family members should be working with you to reduce your home’s overall energy expenses. Teach them to turn off lights when not in-use, avoiding leaving electronics or televisions on, and demonstrate to them why this is so important. We only have one planet, and it’s our duty to do what we can to ensure it can stay healthy and green for as long as possible. You may want to educate younger family members as well on why it can be harmful to leave lights and appliances on for too long, or why we opt for energy efficient alternatives over the “standard” versions.

Cutting Electricity Costs to Go Green

We all want to do our part, and that starts at home. Whether it’s reducing our electricity usage or swapping out for environmentally friendly alternatives, we can all do our part to help save the planet. These are just a few of the ways you can reduce your electricity costs and improve your carbon footprint. Check out Panda7’s blog for more tips, as well as insurance resources, 101s, and more.

Go green! Your planet (and your wallet) will thank you for it.